Tuesday 17 April 2012

First Post! -Sharing My Ideas.

Well, this is officially my first post on my first blog! This is also the beginning of my 'Final Major Project'. I'll be posting things throughout my progress and thought I'd start by sharing my ideas with you.
I had already made a decision long before that I wanted to make a magazine for my FMP, that was the easy part. As my main interest is fashion photography, I wanted to create a fashion magazine. I thought about photographing vintage and charity shop clothing as this is what i love most. However, I had already done a similar photoshoot using this in a previous project and didn't want to repeat myself. This then led me into producing a editorial/high fashion magazine. I had flicked through a couple of these types of magazines such as vogue in the past. What I like about them is they're always full of beauty and clothing advertisements or campaigns. I love the amount of detail that goes into producing these images. As I was researching by looking at magazines such as POP, ELLE and VOGUE to name a few, I noticed that the brand was sometimes the last thing I took into consideration. It was the set-up of the image such as the location, lighting, props and model(s) that caught my attention first.
I had also looked at other photographers work which I have linked to who I have been influenced by that have done fashion shoots. To name a few such as:

LARA JADE - I love how she uses natural lighting as her main source of light for a lot of her work and I also enjoy the simplicity of her set ups. I like the studio work she has produced by just using one soft box and the effect it has created.

EMMA HARDY - I'm influenced by her work for the same reason as Lara Jades because I like how she uses natural lighting and I enjoy working solely with this too. I was influenced by Emma's work in a previous project of mine.

RANKIN - I love a lot of Rankin's work as it's a contrast to the other two photographers I have listed. I really like how much detail goes into the set up of his images and how dramatic the models, location and lighting all look.

JOHN SPINKS - I really liked the simplicity of the first few images with the plain backgrounds so you're not distracted away from the product being advertised. I also really liked the other work where he had created effects with the smoke and lighting and want to create something similar within my own work.

I took all this research into account and started jotting a few ideas down for example possible locations as I want to do some photoshoots in the studio and outside. I want to have a variation by working with natural lighting and studio lighting so i can create dramatic effects.

I think this'll do for my first post for now. Toodledoo!

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