Monday 23 April 2012

Alec Soth and Jennifer Lewis

Whilst looking through Alec Soths' book 'Paris / Minnisote', i noticed he did a series of images that intrigued me in which he photographed people in a before and after shot. What i mean by this is that in the image before, the model looks quite plain/dull and then in the image after, the model looks all suited and dressed up, suitable for a magazine. Unfortunately, i cannot find examples from the book of this. However, i have two examples of different images. One is of a before and the other is of an after. I like the idea of these and would like to try something out in my own work. I especially like the images he did with this idea of the people on the beds.

The images of the people on the beds then led me to look into another photographer who i was suggested to look at. This is the work of Jennifer Lewis and her series of images 'Bedrooms'. Again, unfortunately she doesn't have many examples of her work online but i thought about mixing both ideas from these two photographers together. Here is a link to Jennifer's website.

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